Monday, January 19, 2009

Can I have this dance with you for the rest of my life?

Currently I am sitting alone in my cozy little apartment on this snowy (gasp!) January afternoon pondering life, love and other mysteries. Erick Baker and Phillip LaRue are on the playlist and I am trying to get some thoughts out on this "page" that have been running around in my brain the last couple days.

I am thinking about the concept of dancing and what it involves. According to the definition of the word dancing can be many different things or ideas; it can be a series of motions and steps, involve leaping or skipping about excitedly and it also can bring an individual to a particular state or condition. Thinking about the latter component of the idea what state is brought about when one dances? Well when I dance at least usually joy, happiness, freedom and a carefree state of mind are brought about. It doesn't matter if I'm engaged in some sweet and mushy slow dance with a current boyfriend or engaged in a joyous dance circle with a group of girlfriends...Okay actually there is a difference. Both experiences bring about complete abandonment and lack of concern about the fears, hurts and bitterness that this world and many of the people in it can provide. There is a crucial difference however; dancing with a lover is quite different than dancing with friends for a variety of reasons...First of all there is that feeling of utter closeness with another person that rarely comes across in other experiences.

In a slow couple dance there is mostly tender appreciation for the other person involved. It really is not a selfish act. It is simply holding someone closely, gazing into their eyes and feeling every beat of their heart. You don't exactly get that in a girl dance party (not that I don't utterly enjoy such experiences, don't get me wrong)! Listening to the lyrics to an Eric Baker song today "Can I have this dance with you for the rest of my life?" I started thinking about how I want the rest of my life to be a dance. I want my relationship with my God to be joyous, without fear and completely like dancing with someone that I am utterly and completely in love with. I want to get so swept up and abanoned in this dance that I am quick to forgive, eager to abandon the hurts I've endured and ready to love and be open to new and exciting happenings in my life without fear. I want to know that I am not alone. Oh Lord, can I have this dance with you for the rest of my life?

*This post was written to the sounds of Erick Baker and Phillip LaRue...for more check out

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